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My name is Julia and I love to cook! And by “love” I mean that it’s really hard for my family to drag me out of the kitchen. I could be there all day and my mind is usually simmering with ideas of what I’m going to cook next. Days like “I’m not cooking today” happens to me very rarely.

Being a mum and a wife also makes me be more aware of what I’m cooking as I want my kids to eat good and healthy and develop healthy eating habits. It is a challenge sometimes but they’ve learn the only rule in my kitchen: “Eat it or … starve” 🙂

I try to make as much of homemade products as I can. Preparing products from scrach doesn’t have to be time consuming but it’s definitely a healthier option. So my kitchen holds not only food mixing but also some natural detergents, cleaning or beauty product. 

Not so long I’ve started posting on Instagram. It was more a joke and an attempt to learn about Instagram that I have neved used before (yep….). To my suprise people started following me and were asking about recipes. So I thought – why not? Let’s share it!

I’m not a professional chef or a highly skilled cook but I have a passion and love. So let me share with you a slice of my life hoping you’ll find it inspiring.

Welcome! And let’s enter my Kitchen of Plenty!
